Duolingo 英語テスト 質問タイプ紹介 13:「聞いてから話す」
In the 2024 Duolingo English Test, the "Listen, Then Speak" section requires examinees to respond to the audio prompts within 90 seconds. This blog post offers a comprehensive overview of the types of questions featured in "Listen, Then Speak," along with effective strategies for answering them.
Understanding the "Listen, Then Speak" Question Type
The "Listen, Then Speak" section is a question type in the Duolingo English Test (DET) aimed at evaluating the examinee's listening comprehension and spoken expression skills. In this section, examinees first listen to an audio prompt, which may be a question, statement, or description. Following the prompt, they are given a brief period to prepare their response before delivering their oral answer within 90 seconds. This question type is included twice in each test session, requiring a total time commitment of approximately 3 minutes.
l プロンプトを聞いて応答する:
In the Duolingo English Test, you will face tasks that require you to listen to a prompt and respond verbally. These prompts can vary; they might be direct questions, such as "What do you think about...?" or statements like "Describe a memorable childhood experience." You are allowed to listen to the prompt up to three times within a 20-second window. This repeated listening is essential, as it helps you capture all the necessary details. Once the 20 seconds are up, you must begin speaking, so it's important to be prepared to express your thoughts clearly.
常に機会を利用してプロンプトを三回聞いてください。 最初や二回目の聞き取りの後に自信があっても、最終的な試みが理解と詳細の保持を強化するのに役立ちます。 この戦略は、複数の要素を含む長いプロンプトに特に有益です。
l 語彙力と流暢さを向上させる:
l 長い回答を目指しましょう:
Although the "Listen, Then Speak" section is one of the more challenging parts of the Duolingo English Test, consistent and effective practice can significantly enhance your confidence and improve your scores. Here are some excellent resources for practice; click the link below to start your training now!