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Menguasai Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo: 10 Kosakata Tingkat Lanjut untuk “Berbicara Tentang Foto” Flora dan Fauna!


Posting blog ini eperkayaid tanggapan Duolingo English Test Anda dengan menguasai kata sifat untuk flora dan fauna. Kata-kata deskriptif ini membantu menghidupkan pemandangan alam.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret dariPeople



SjalanScenes danArsitektur


Eventilasi danGperkumpulan

Flora danFauna



Kosakata Lanjutan untuk Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo

1. Intricate

Definisi: Sangat rinci dan kompleks.

Contoh: "The intricate patterns of the butterflys wings showcase nature's artistry and precision."

2. Endangered

Definisi: Berisiko punah; terancam.

Contoh: The photograph highlights an endangered species, emphasizing the urgent need for conservation efforts."

3. Elegant

Definisi: Anggun dan bergaya dalam penampilan atau perilaku.

Contoh: "The elegant swan glided across the lake, its movements reflecting the tranquil beauty of the environment."


Definisi: Berlimpah dengan murah hati; melimpah.

Contoh: "The bountiful garden was alive with vibrant flowers and lush greenery, attracting a variety of pollinators."


Definisi: Menunjukkan banyak variasi; beragam.

Contoh: "The diverse ecosystem depicted in the photo is a testament to the rich biological variety found in the region."


Definisi: Bersinar cemerlang; bercahaya.

Sure, please provide the string you would like to have translated into Indonesian."The resplendent colors of the sunset illuminated the landscape, creating a breathtaking backdrop for the wildlife."


Definisi: Berkembang; tumbuh dengan kuat.

Contoh:"The flourishing coral reef is teeming with life, showcasing the importance of marine biodiversity."


Definisi: Membiarkan cahaya melewati tetapi tidak transparan.

Contoh: "The translucent petals of the flower caught the sunlight, creating a beautiful play of colors."


Definisi: Melibatkan hubungan saling menguntungkan antara organisme yang berbeda.

Contoh: "The photo captures a symbiotic relationship between the clownfish and the anemone, highlighting nature's interconnectedness."


Definisi: Mulai tumbuh atau meningkat pesat; berkembang.

Contoh: "The burgeoning population of bees in the garden plays a crucial role in pollination and plant reproduction."

An illustrative example of DET 'Speak About the Photo' questions related to Flora and Fauna.

Jawaban sampel:

This photo showcases a bountiful brown long-eared bird on a branch, surrounded by lush green leaves. Its elegant appearance, featuring intricate yellow eyes, captures attention as it watches the camera. Sunlight filtering through the foliage creates a warm ambiance, enhancing the resplendent beauty of its flourishing habitat. The diverse greenery in the background adds depth to the scene.

Pembacaan Lebih Lanjut:

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