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Kuasai Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo: 10 Kosakata Lanjutan untuk “Berbicara Tentang Foto” Makanan!

Enhancing your vocabulary can significantly improve your performance in the "Speak About the Photo" section of the Duolingo English Test. Here's ebuah daftar pilihan dari sepuluh kata canggih untuk membantu Anda menggambarkan makanan dengan jelas dalam tanggapan Anda.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret dari People



SjalanScenes danArsitektur


Eventilasi danGberkumpul

Flora danFauna



DETKata-Kata Kosakata Lanjutan

1. Delectable

Definisi: Lezat; menggiurkan.

Contoh: "The delectable dessert was topped with fresh berries and a rich drizzle of chocolate."

2. Savory

Definisi: Menyenangkan asin atau pedas; tidak manis.

Contoh: "The savory aroma of roasted vegetables filled the kitchen, enticing everyone to gather around the table."

3. Succulent

Definisi: Berair dan empuk; menyenangkan di langit-langit.

Contoh: "The succulent steak was cooked to perfection, melting in the mouth with every bite."

4. Artisanal

Definisi: Dibuat dengan cara tradisional atau buatan tangan; tidak diproduksi massal.

Contoh: "The artisanal bread, with its crispy crust and soft interior, stole the show at the meal."

5. Garnished

Definisi: Dihiasi atau dihias dengan sedikit makanan untuk presentasi.

Contoh: "The dish was beautifully garnished with fresh herbs, adding a splash of color and flavor."

6. Zesty

Definisi: Memiliki rasa yang kuat, menyenangkan, dan terkadang pedas.

Contoh: "The zesty salsa provided a refreshing kick to the tacos, elevating their overall taste."


Definisi: Memiliki aroma yang kuat dan menyenangkan, terutama dari rempah-rempah atau herbal.

Sure, please provide the string you want to be translated into Indonesian."The aromatic spices wafting from the curry created an inviting atmosphere in the dining room."


Definisi: Kondusif untuk kesehatan atau kesejahteraan; bergizi.

Contoh: "The wholesome salad was loaded with fresh vegetables and a light vinaigrette dressing."


Definisi: Mengizinkan diri sendiri untuk menikmati sesuatu yang kaya atau mewah.

Sure, I'd be happy to help with the translation. Please provide the string you would like me to translate into Indonesian."The indulgent chocolate cake was the perfect way to celebrate the occasionrich and decadent."


Definisi: Sebuah campuran dari berbagai tradisi kuliner atau bahan-bahan.

Contoh: "The fusion dish creatively combined Asian and Italian flavors, resulting in a unique and exciting culinary experience."

An illustrative example of DET 'Speak About the Photo' questions related to Food.

Contoh jawaban:

In this image, a server in a red shirt presents a delectable burger platter. The burger features succulent beef, fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and artisanal cheese, all nestled between golden, toasted buns. Accompanied by crispy fries and a small cup of savory dipping sauce, the warm, inviting restaurant atmosphere enhances the overall indulgent experience.

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