DET Jawaban Pertanyaan Tingkat Kesulitan Tinggi: 'Contoh Berbicara' (2024.10.24)
The 'Speaking Sample' section of the Duolingo English Test (DET) requires candidates to clearly express their opinions on a given topic within three minutes. Bagian ini menilai kelancaran, ketepatan, pengucapan, kosakata, dan koherensi ide. Di sini, kami akan berbagi strategi efektif dan contoh jawaban untuk membantu Anda unggul dalam bagian tes ini.
High-Scoring Strategies for the DET Speaking Sample
1. Pegang Topik dan Rencanakan dengan Cepat
Sebelum berbicara, luangkan waktu untuk memahami topik sepenuhnya dan buat garis besar struktur singkat. Format "poin, dukung, simpulkan" bekerja dengan baik: mulai dengan ide utama Anda, ikuti dengan detail pendukung atau contoh, dan akhiri dengan ringkasan singkat. Untuk respons naratif, gunakan urutan kronologis untuk menjaga respons tetap logis dan mudah diikuti.
2. Mempertahankan Struktur Jelas dan Alur Logis
A well-organized structure and logical flow help your listener follow your answer. For example, when asked to “describe an interesting travel experience,” organize your response by describing the place, activities, and impressions in sequence. Avoid jumping between points or repeating ideas, as a structured answer is more engaging and easier to follow.
3. Gunakan Kosakata yang Beragam dan Minimalkan Pengulangan
Within the time allowed, try to show a range of vocabulary, particularly by using varied verbs, adjectives, and descriptive words. Avoid repeating basic terms like “good” or “interesting” and opt for synonyms or more specific terms like “fascinating” or “memorable” to add depth to your response.
4. Pastikan Kefasihan dan Kecepatan Alami
Pertahankan kecepatan bicara yang moderat, hindari berbicara terlalu lambat atau terburu-buru karena gugup. Kecepatan alami menunjukkan kefasihan dan kesalahan kecil bukanlah masalah jika mereka tidak mengganggu alur respons Anda.
5. Latihan Pengucapan dan Intonasi
Pengucapan yang jelas dan intonasi yang natural sangat penting untuk skor tinggi. Secara teratur mendengarkan penutur asli dan meniru pengucapan serta intonasi mereka, terutama untuk kata kunci dan akhiran kalimat, dapat membantu. Menyesuaikan nada suara Anda untuk menekankan poin-poin Anda dapat menambahkan kepercayaan diri pada respons Anda dan membuatnya lebih menarik.
Pertanyaan dan Tanggapan Contoh Kesulitan Tinggi
The 'Speaking Sample' is an objective-type question. Ketika menangani jenis pertanyaan ini, kandidat harus mengadopsi pendekatan yang fleksibel. Di bawah ini, Anda akan menemukan dua jawaban lanjutan. Jika Anda mencari lebih banyak latihan, jangan ragu untuk menonton video di bawah ini.
Contoh pertanyaan 1:
Contoh jawaban:
That's an interesting question, and it really got me thinking. I believe there’s significant value in both preserving old traditions and creating new ones.
On one hand, keeping old traditions alive helps us connect with our roots and provides a deep sense of cultural identity. Celebrating holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas not only brings families together but also fosters a collective sense of unity. Additionally, preserving these traditions allows us to learn from the wisdom and experiences of our ancestors, passing down valuable knowledge through generations.
On the other hand, creating new traditions is essential for adapting to our ever-evolving world. New traditions embrace change and offer exciting opportunities for self-expression and creativity, reflecting our modern values and circumstances.
In conclusion, I believe it’s crucial to strike a balance between preserving old traditions and creating new ones. This approach honors our heritage while allowing us to embrace change and progress in our lives.
Contoh pertanyaan2:
Contoh jawaban:
There are both positives and negatives to learning about different cultures through books, movies, and TV shows.
On one hand, these media can be a fantastic window into diverse worlds, offering snapshots of cultural practices and beliefs we might not otherwise encounter. For example, reading "Memoirs of a Geisha" provided an enthralling view of Geisha culture in Japan, almost like stepping into another universe.
However, these portrayals can also perpetuate stereotypes and offer skewed or overly romanticized views. Many Hollywood films depict foreign cultures through a narrow lens filled with clichés. You can’t truly understand a culture just by watching a movie.
Additionally, narratives often dominate from a Western perspective, which may not accurately reflect the experiences of people from different cultures.
In essence, while media can spark our interest in other cultures, it's vital to approach them critically and seek out diverse sources for a more holistic understanding.
Bacaan Lebih Lanjut:
lKursus Persiapan DET: Contoh Pertanyaan Berbicara
(Sebuah artikel tentang kursus komprehensif dan latihan mengenai Contoh Berbicara.)
(Sebuah artikel tentang kosakata lanjutan untuk Contoh Menulis.)
(Sebuah artikel tentangHigh-SmembobokSbanyakAjawabans untukMenulisContoh.)