こんにちは、DET(Duolingo English Test)の未来のチャンピオンたち!ようこそDET Practiceへ。今日は、DETの『Speak about the Photo』セクションの取り組み方を探ります。まず、『Speak about the Photo』の質問が何であるかを見てみましょう:
* 『Speak about the Photo』タスクの詳細な紹介については、以前の記事をご覧ください: “Speak about the Photo“。
DETのスコアリングと改善戦略について理解するには、“Duolingo English Test Scores: Insights and Comparisons” および “The Ultimate Guide to the Duolingo English Test” を参照してください。
口頭タスクで良いスコアを達成するには、割り当てられた時間内に流暢さを維持する必要があります。これは、TOEFLやIELTSなどの他の言語テストでも重要です。『Speak about the Photo』の課題の1つは、定義されたプロンプトがないことで、特に写真の要素が限られている場合、1分30秒の応答を維持するのが難しいことです。では、どのような戦略を採用できるでしょうか?
『Speak about the Photo』の戦略
DETでは、口頭タスクはトピックへの関連性に基づいて評価されます。応答がトピックに沿っていることを確認するために、最初の30秒以内に写真の客観的な説明を始めることをお勧めします。例えば、写真が金髪の子供がベビーカーで野外で寝ているシーンを示しており、青々とした緑が広がる場所、おそらく森や公園であれば、子供の服装(夏の暖かい午後を示唆する白いTシャツとグレーのショートパンツ)や、子供の頭にとまった蝶を説明することができます。また、平和な雰囲気を伝え、この静かな瞬間を親が捉えた可能性があると推測することもできます。『Speak about the Photo』では、人々、衣服、行動、職業、アイデンティティ、感情状態、表情、周囲の環境について説明することを考慮してください。
So, what we’re looking at here is really a picture-perfect scene taken outdoors. The greenery is vibrant—there’s grass, and trees all around, so I’m thinking this could be a beautiful park or maybe even a bit of forest area. Now, right in the heart of this natural setting, we’ve got this adorable blond child, just fast asleep in their stroller. They’re dressed in the simplest summer outfit, you know, a white T-shirt, grey shorts—totally what you’d wear on a sunny afternoon. And there’s this little surprise—a butterfly has landed right on their head! It’s one of those moments that’s just so peaceful, so serene, it’s got to be one of those memories that parents love to capture. It’s the kind of day that just feels like a gift, doesn’t it?
Well, looking at this image really warms my heart. It’s such a delightful scene. Being outdoors, taking in the fresh air, it’s incredibly beneficial for kids—both for their physical health and mental well-being. They get to be up close to nature, run around, jump, and even interact with wildlife, like this gentle butterfly here. It’s fantastic because it’s not just about staying active; it’s about feeding their curiosity as well. I truly believe that kids should engage in outdoor activities more often.
答えは良さそうに見えます。私たちは自身のコメントを追加し、答えをトピックに保つよう努力しました。ですから、個人的なコメントを追加することは、『Speak about the Photo』の質問を拡張する良い方法です。他に答えを拡張する方法はありますか?続きを読み続けてください。
You know, this photo might very well have been taken by the child’s parents, capturing a slice of family time—perhaps over the weekend when there’s no work to rush to, allowing for a leisurely stroll in the outdoors or some relaxing time in the park. And it’s the kind of scene that nudges at my own memories, taking me back to my childhood. My parents would often take me to the park near our home, much like the one in this picture, where the scenery was just as picturesque.
これはオフトピックになりますか?操作が正確である必要はありません。ここは本当にあなたのスキルを見せる部分です。なぜなら、私たちに写真がもたらす感情について話```html すからです。例えば、次のように言うことができます:
So, it’s more than just a photograph; it’s a reminder of those carefree, joyful days. It’s about the bond we share with our loved ones and the simple pleasures of life, like watching your child sleep peacefully under the watchful eye of nature. You know, this image is a beautiful echo of times spent with family, treasured and timeless.
So, what we’re looking at here is really a picture-perfect scene taken outdoors. The greenery is vibrant—there’s grass, and trees all around, so I’m thinking this could be a beautiful park or maybe even a bit of forest area. Now, right in the heart of this natural setting, we’ve got this adorable blond child, just fast asleep in their stroller. They’re dressed in the simplest summer outfit, you know, a white T-shirt, grey shorts—totally what you’d wear on a sunny afternoon. And there’s this little surprise—a butterfly has landed right on their head! It’s one of those moments that’s just so peaceful, so serene, it’s got to be one of those memories that parents love to capture. It’s the kind of day that just feels like a gift, doesn’t it?
Well, looking at this image really warms my heart. It’s such a delightful scene. Being outdoors, taking in the fresh air, it’s incredibly beneficial for kids—both for their physical health and mental well-being. They get to be up close to nature, run around, jump, and even interact with wildlife, like this gentle butterfly here. It’s fantastic because it’s not just about staying active; it’s about feeding their curiosity as well. I truly believe that kids should engage in outdoor activities more often.
You know, this photo might very well have been taken by the child’s parents, capturing a slice of family time—perhaps over the weekend when there’s no work to rush to, allowing for a leisurely stroll in the outdoors or some relaxing time in the park. And it’s the kind of scene that nudges at my own memories, taking me back to my childhood. My parents would often take me to the park near our home, much like the one in this picture, where the scenery was just as picturesque.
So, it’s more than just a photograph; it’s a reminder of those carefree, joyful days. It’s about the bond we share with our loved ones and the simple pleasures of life, like watching your child sleep peacefully under the watchful eye of nature. You know, this image is a beautiful echo of times spent with family, treasured and timeless.
これらのアプローチを組み合わせることで、包括的でよく発展した口頭の応答を作成することができます。これらの戦略が、DETの『Speak about the Photo』セクションでの成功に役立つことを願っています。Duolingo English Testに挑む際の幸運を祈ります!
今日から練習を始めるには、私たちのDET問題集 に無料でサインアップしてください。