Teknik Terbaik untuk Berbicara dalam Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo: Menguasai Tugas 'Berbicara tentang Foto'
Hello, future champions of the DET (Duolingo English Test)! Welcome to DET Practice. Today, we’ll explore how to tackle the ‘Speak about the Photo’ section in the DET. First, let’s take a look at what the ‘Speak about the Photo’ question is:
Bagian ini, seperti yang ditampilkan dalam panduan belajar resmi DET, melibatkan latihan lisan yang unik. Tidak seperti tugas berbicara dalam TOEFL atau IELTS, tugas ini mengharuskan Anda untuk mendeskripsikan sebuah foto secara lisan dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini mempengaruhi skor 'Percakapan' dan 'Produksi', dengan waktu tanggapan 30-90 detik.
* Untuk pengenalan lebih rinci tentang tugas 'Bicarakan Foto', kami merekomendasikan artikel kami sebelumnya: "Speak about the Photo“.
Untuk memahami penilaian DET dan strategi untuk perbaikan, lihat referensi "Duolingo English Test Scores: Insights and Comparisons" dan "The Ultimate Guide to the Duolingo English Test" masing-masing."
Achieving a good score in oral tasks requires maintaining fluency within the allocated time. This is also crucial in other language tests like TOEFL or IELTS. One challenge in ‘Speak about the Photo’ is the lack of predefined prompts, which can make sustaining a 1-minute 30-second response difficult, especially when the photo’s elements are limited. So, what strategies can we employ?
Strategy for ‘Speak about the Photo’
Sebelum mendalami teknik khusus, mari kita pertimbangkan contoh foto. Perhatikan bahwa DET sering menggunakan gambar yang menampilkan orang, yang mungkin termasuk close-up ekspresi atau tindakan.
Deskripsi Objektif
Dalam DET, tugas lisan dinilai berdasarkan relevansi dengan topik. Kami merekomendasikan untuk memulai dengan deskripsi obyektif dari foto dalam 30 detik pertama untuk memastikan respons Anda sesuai dengan topik. Misalnya, jika foto menunjukkan seorang anak berambut pirang tidur di kereta dorong di lingkungan luar ruangan dengan pepohonan hijau yang subur, mungkin di hutan atau taman, Anda bisa menggambarkan pakaian anak tersebut (kaos putih dan celana pendek abu-abu yang menunjukkan sore musim panas yang hangat) dan kupu-kupu yang hinggap di kepalanya. Anda juga bisa menyampaikan suasana damai dan berspekulasi bahwa orang tua mengambil momen tenang ini. Dalam ‘Berbicara tentang Foto', pertimbangkan untuk membahas orang, pakaian, tindakan, profesi, identitas, keadaan emosional, ekspresi wajah, dan lingkungan sekitar.
Menurut diskusi kita sebelumnya, jawaban Anda mungkin seperti ini:
So, what we’re looking at here is really a picture-perfect scene taken outdoors. The greenery is vibrant—there’s grass, and trees all around, so I’m thinking this could be a beautiful park or maybe even a bit of forest area. Now, right in the heart of this natural setting, we’ve got this adorable blond child, just fast asleep in their stroller. They’re dressed in the simplest summer outfit, you know, a white T-shirt, grey shorts—totally what you’d wear on a sunny afternoon. And there’s this little surprise—a butterfly has landed right on their head! It’s one of those moments that’s just so peaceful, so serene, it’s got to be one of those memories that parents love to capture. It’s the kind of day that just feels like a gift, doesn’t it?
Ya, jawaban ini terdengar baik. Namun ada masalah, ini terlalu pendek. Jawaban ini mungkin tidak cukup untuk mempertahankan waktu bicara 1 menit dan 30 detik.
Komentar Pribadi
Apakah boleh menambahkan komentar pribadi? Ya. Setelah menjelaskan foto secara objektif, komentar pribadi yang berkaitan dengan konten adalah strategi yang layak. Tetapi perhatikan jumlah kalimat (3-5 kalimat) agar tidak menyimpang dari topik. Komentar pribadi membantu memperluas tanggapan sambil tetap relevan.
Untuk contoh di atas, kita bisa menambahkan:
Well, looking at this image really warms my heart. It’s such a delightful scene. Being outdoors, taking in the fresh air, it’s incredibly beneficial for kids—both for their physical health and mental well-being. They get to be up close to nature, run around, jump, and even interact with wildlife, like this gentle butterfly here. It’s fantastic because it’s not just about staying active; it’s about feeding their curiosity as well. I truly believe that kids should engage in outdoor activities more often.
The answer looks good, we added our own comments and tried to keep the answer on the topic. So, remember, adding personal comments is a good way to expand the ‘Speak about the Photo’ question. Are there any other ways to expand the answer? Please continue reading the following content.
Latar belakang fotod
Pertimbangkan konteks foto tersebut. Kita dapat memikirkannya, dalam keadaan apa sebuah gambar diambil. Seperti dalam contoh kita di atas, kita bisa membayangkannya. Gambar ini mungkin diambil oleh orang tua anak tersebut, ini mungkin akhir pekan (karena mereka tidak harus bekerja, punya waktu untuk pergi ke luar atau ke taman untuk berjalan-jalan atau bersantai), adegan dari perjalanan keluarga. Atau apa yang diingatkan oleh gambar ini kepada Anda? Misalnya, pengalaman masa kecil Anda sendiri. Mungkin kita bisa mengatakan bahwa gambar ini mengingatkan saya pada masa kecil saya, orang tua saya dan saya sering pergi ke taman dekat rumah kami, dan pemandangan di taman seindah gambar tersebut. Nah, saatnya bagi kita untuk memperluas jawaban lebih lanjut, mari kita lanjutkan dengan jawaban sebelumnya:
You know, this photo might very well have been taken by the child’s parents, capturing a slice of family time—perhaps over the weekend when there’s no work to rush to, allowing for a leisurely stroll in the outdoors or some relaxing time in the park. And it’s the kind of scene that nudges at my own memories, taking me back to my childhood. My parents would often take me to the park near our home, much like the one in this picture, where the scenery was just as picturesque.
Sekarang jawabannya terlihat lebih substansial.
Tambah Perasaan Pribadi
Apakah ini akan keluar topik? Tidak jika operasi Anda benar. Ini adalah bagian di mana Anda benar-benar menunjukkan keterampilan Anda, karena kita berbicara tentang perasaan yang dibawa gambar kepada kita, misalnya, kita bisa mengatakan ini:
So, it’s more than just a photograph; it’s a reminder of those carefree, joyful days. It’s about the bond we share with our loved ones and the simple pleasures of life, like watching your child sleep peacefully under the watchful eye of nature. You know, this image is a beautiful echo of times spent with family, treasured and timeless.
Baiklah, itu saja. Saya percaya kami memiliki contoh jawaban lisan yang cukup lengkap dan tingkat tinggi, mari kita satukan semuanya:
So, what we’re looking at here is really a picture-perfect scene taken outdoors. The greenery is vibrant—there’s grass, and trees all around, so I’m thinking this could be a beautiful park or maybe even a bit of forest area. Now, right in the heart of this natural setting, we’ve got this adorable blond child, just fast asleep in their stroller. They’re dressed in the simplest summer outfit, you know, a white T-shirt, grey shorts—totally what you’d wear on a sunny afternoon. And there’s this little surprise—a butterfly has landed right on their head! It’s one of those moments that’s just so peaceful, so serene, it’s got to be one of those memories that parents love to capture. It’s the kind of day that just feels like a gift, doesn’t it?
Well, looking at this image really warms my heart. It’s such a delightful scene. Being outdoors, taking in the fresh air, it’s incredibly beneficial for kids—both for their physical health and mental well-being. They get to be up close to nature, run around, jump, and even interact with wildlife, like this gentle butterfly here. It’s fantastic because it’s not just about staying active; it’s about feeding their curiosity as well. I truly believe that kids should engage in outdoor activities more often.
You know, this photo might very well have been taken by the child’s parents, capturing a slice of family time—perhaps over the weekend when there’s no work to rush to, allowing for a leisurely stroll in the outdoors or some relaxing time in the park. And it’s the kind of scene that nudges at my own memories, taking me back to my childhood. My parents would often take me to the park near our home, much like the one in this picture, where the scenery was just as picturesque.
So, it’s more than just a photograph; it’s a reminder of those carefree, joyful days. It’s about the bond we share with our loved ones and the simple pleasures of life, like watching your child sleep peacefully under the watchful eye of nature. You know, this image is a beautiful echo of times spent with family, treasured and timeless.
By combining these approaches, you can create a comprehensive and well-developed oral response. We hope these strategies help you excel in the DET’s ‘Speak about the Photo’ section. Best of luck with your Duolingo English Test!
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