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According to the official exam guide, the "Writing Sample" section is a part of the Duolingo English Test (DET) that involves the following:

1. 说明: 本部分要求考生根据给定的题目写一篇文章。该题目的目的是引出详细的回应,考生应展示他们的写作技能,包括有条理地组织思路并清晰表达观点的能力。

2. Subscores: The "Writing Sample" primarily assesses the Production skill, as it focuses on the candidate's writing abilities.

3. 时长: 考生有最少3分钟和最多5分钟完成他们的论文。

4. 互动操作:

- 考生直接在考试界面提供的文本框中输入他们的作文。

5. 回答问题:

- 阅读题目后,考生应写一篇与提示相关的文章。

- 论文应结构良好,并有清晰的引言、正文和结论。

6. 建议:

- 在计时器开始之前利用时间来计划和概述文章。

- 重点使用各种词汇和复杂的句子结构,以展示语言能力。

- 确保文章组织良好,并涵盖提示的所有部分。

7. 评分:文章根据书面回答的清晰度、详细程度和相关性,以及候选人使用英语语法、词汇、连贯性和整体写作质量进行评估。

8. Significance: The "Writing Sample" is particularly important as it provides institutions with a more in-depth look at the candidate's writing skills. It is used to assess the candidate's ability to express complex ideas in writing, which is a critical skill for academic and professional success.


The "Writing Sample" section is designed to be a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate's writing abilities, offering insights into their capacity to communicate effectively in English through the written word.

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