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Menguasai Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo: 10 Kata Kosakata Tingkat Lanjut untuk "Berbicara Tentang Foto" Seni!

Enhance your DET "Speak About the Photo" skills by mastering 10 advanced adjectives for describing art. This guide explores each word with definitions, examples, and a sample answer, helping you create impactful descriptions to improve your score.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret dariPeople



SpohonScenes dan Arsitektur


Eventilasi danGperkumpulan

Flora danFauna



Tes Bahasa Inggris DuolingoKata Sifat Lanjutan untuk Mendeskripsikan Seni

1. Evocative

Definisi: Membawa gambar, kenangan, atau perasaan yang kuat ke dalam pikiran.

Contoh: "The evocative colors in the painting evoke a sense of nostalgia."


Definisi: Ditandai dengan perubahan, aktivitas, atau kemajuan yang konstan.

Contoh: "The dynamic composition of the artwork captures a sense of movement and energy."


Definisi: Memancarkan atau memantulkan cahaya; cerah dan berkilauan.

Contoh: "The luminous palette used in this piece enhances its ethereal quality."

4. Halus

Definisi: Halus dan tidak mencolok; tidak langsung terlihat.

Contoh: "The artist's subtle use of shadows adds depth and intrigue to the piece."

5. Innovative

Definisi: Menampilkan metode baru; orisinal dan maju.

Contoh: "The innovative techniques employed in this artwork challenge traditional norms."

6. Intricate

Definisi: Sangat rinci dan kompleks; dibuat dengan sangat teliti.

Contoh: "The intricate patterns woven into the fabric showcase the artist's meticulous craftsmanship."

7. Timeless

Definisi: Tidak terpengaruh oleh berjalannya waktu; abadi.

Contoh: "This timeless piece resonates with universal themes of love and loss."

8. Aesthetic

Definisi: Terkait dengan keindahan atau apresiasi terhadap keindahan.

Contoh: "The aesthetic appeal of the sculpture draws viewers in for a closer examination."


Definisi: Kuat dan hidup dalam penampilan; berani.

Contoh: "The bold brush strokes convey a sense of urgency and powerful emotion."


Definisi: Merangsang pertimbangan atau refleksi yang cermat.

Contoh: "The thought-provoking subject matter invites discussions about important societal issues."

An illustrative example of DET 'Speak About the Photo' questions related to art.

Jawaban contoh:

This photo captures a vibrant outdoor scene featuring dynamic graffiti art on a wall, dominated by bold reds, greens, and blacks. The intricate shapes, some resembling arrows, create a thought-provoking contrast against a patch of grass scattered with stones. Surrounded by luminous green leaves, this scene beautifully blends nature with street culture.

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