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Kuasai Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo: 10 Kata Kosakata Lanjutan untuk “Berbicara Tentang Foto” Adegan Jalanan dan Arsitektur!

Improve your DET speaking skills with 10 powerful adjectives for street scenes and architecture descriptions. Use this guide’s sample answers and examples to make your “Speak About the Photo” responses shine.

Speak About the Photo

Ppotret dari People



SpohonScenes danArsitektur


Eventilasi danGperkumpulan

Flora danFtidak


Sayadalam ruanganObjek

DETKata Sifat Lanjutan untuk Mendeskripsikan Pemandangan Jalanan dan Arsitektur


Definisi: Penuh energi dan kehidupan; cerah dan mencolok.

Contoh: "The vibrant buildings create a lively atmosphere on the street."


Definisi: Memiliki arti penting dalam sejarah; patut diperhatikan atau kuno.

Contoh: "The historic structures reflect the city’s rich cultural heritage."


Definisi: Menunjukkan berbagai macam; beragam.

Contoh: "The street features diverse offerings that highlight the multicultural community."


Definisi: Menarik secara visual, terutama dengan cara yang kuno atau menawan.

Contoh: "The picturesque alleyways are lined with blooming flowers and delightful cafes."

5. Modern

Definisi: Berkaitan dengan masa sekarang atau baru-baru ini; kontemporer dalam desain.

Contoh: "The modern architecture stands in stark contrast to the historic buildings nearby."


Definisi: Sangat menarik; menyenangkan.

Contoh: "The charming buildings in the old town draw visitors from all over."

7. Majestic

Definisi: Memiliki keagungan atau keindahan; mengesankan.

Contoh: "The majestic towers dominate the skyline with their imposing presence."


Definisi: Penuh dengan aktivitas yang enerjik dan berisik; hidup.

Contoh: "The bustling market is alive with vendors and shoppers, creating an energetic scene."

9. Serene

Definisi: Tenang, damai, dan tidak terganggu; tenteram.

Contoh: "The serene parks offer a welcome escape from the city's hustle and bustle."

10. Architectural

Definisi: Berhubungan dengan desain dan gaya bangunan.

Contoh: "The architectural details of the facades showcase the craftsmanship of the era."

An illustrative example of DET 'Speak About the Photo' questions related to Street Scenes and Architecture.

Contoh jawaban:

This image depicts a picturesque cobblestone alley lined with charming European-style buildings. One structure features a storefront with a sign reading “D'Annka,” complete with tables, chairs, and decorative plants that create a serene and inviting atmosphere. At the end of the alley, a closed door adds a sense of mystery, enhancing the historic ambiance of the scene.

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