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DET 5 Contoh Jawaban Skor Tinggi: 'Bicarakan Tentang Foto' (2024.09.26)


Selamat datang kembali, pembaca yang terhormat! Diartikel kami sebelumnya, we explored some tips for 'Speaking About the Photo' and shared five sample answers. Today, we'll dive deeper into strategies for responding to this prompt and provide five more sample answers.

*Pengakuan Gambar:Visual dalam postingan ini bersumber dari gambar yang dihasilkan AI dan foto stok bebas royalti.

Tinggi-SmengeborStrategi Deskriptif untuk 'Bicarakan Tentang Foto'

l Deskripsi Umum

Mulailah dengan memberikan gambaran umum tentang adegan yang digambarkan dalam foto. Indikasikan apakah gambar tersebut menampilkan warna-warna cerah atau dibuat dalam hitam-putih yang mencolok. Berikan ringkasan singkat tentang aksi utama atau kejadian yang terjadi dalam bingkai.

lMata Pelajaran Utama

Identifikasi dan jelaskan fokus utama dari foto tersebut. Jika subjek utama adalah seseorang, berikan deskripsi rinci tentang ciri fisik mereka, aktivitas saat ini, dan fitur unik yang menonjol.

lLatar Belakang dan Konteks

Jelajahi latar belakang dan elemen lain yang meningkatkan cerita dari foto. Ini termasuk lingkungan sekitar, waktu dalam sehari yang disarankan oleh pencahayaan, dan benda atau individu tambahan apa pun yang menambah kedalaman adegan.

lRincian dan Emosi

Perkaya deskripsi dengan menekankan kehalusan warna, bentuk, pola, dan tekstur yang ada. Sampaikan respons emosional atau suasana yang ingin dihasilkan oleh foto kepada pemirsa, apakah itu kegembiraan, ketenangan, atau refleksi.


Pertanyaan Contoh 1:

A demo photo of DET "Speak about the Photo" questions: a young woman

Sampel Jawaban:

Looking at this photo, it takes me back to those crisp autumn mornings in my hometown, where the air is just chilly enough to appreciate a warm cup of coffee. The woman in the image is standing in what appears to be a field or park, bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun. She's dressed in a cozy white sweater, suggesting it might be fall or early spring, and she's holding a disposable coffee cup— a universal accessory for on-the-go Americans.
Her subtle smile and direct gaze give a sense of calm and approachability as if she's sharing a moment of her morning routine with us. This photo captures more than just a person; it captures a feeling— one of those peaceful moments we all find in our daily lives, often overlooked in our busy schedules.
It reminds me of those days when I took my dog for a walk in the park, coffee in hand, and just enjoy the simplicity of life. There’s a real sense of the 'American lifestyle' here, where coffee culture and casual outdoor strolls are woven into the fabric of everyday life.

This photo could easily be used in a lifestyle magazine or an advertisement for a coffee brand, aiming to evoke the warmth and tranquility of a morning well begun.

Contoh Pertanyaan2:

A demo photo of DET "Speak about the Photo" questions: a swing

Sampel Jawaban:

Ah, this picture's got a quiet sort of waiting to it, like it's just holding its breath for a good story to come along. That swing, hanging on the porch with a view of green hills stretching out, it's the kind of place you'd find at a cabin retreat where the world doesn't move quite so fast.
I'm taken back to those lazy summer afternoons at my grandparent's place in the countryside, where a swing like this was the prime spot for whiling away the hours. It was a place for long chats, where stories and iced tea were shared, or for some quiet contemplation, rocking gently with a book in hand.
The swing itself, with its worn wooden seat and sturdy ropes, speaks of a rustic charm that's hard to come by these days. It's like an invitation to come sit, to breathe in the fresh mountain air, and to let the hustle of life drift away, if only for a moment.
It’s the sort of scene that reminds you to appreciate the slower moments, the spaces in between, and the peaceful solitude that nature offers.

Pertanyaan Contoh3:

A demo photo of DET "Speak about the Photo" questions: a cheerful dog amidst a sea of cardboard boxes

Sampel Jawaban:

This cheerful dog amidst a sea of cardboard boxes — it's like he's the captain of a ship in a cardboard fleet, isn't it? The way he's perched there, tail likely wagging, he seems to be overseeing the whole moving process. And that small tree in the pot adds a touch of green life to the scene, a promise of new beginnings.
This image takes me back to my last move. My own dog was just like this, finding her spot among the boxes, curious about all the activity.

I've always found it funny how pets can add a sense of normalcy to the upheaval of moving. They seem to adapt quicker than us, finding their favorite new spot as soon as the first box is set down.
This picture isn't just about a dog or moving; it's about the joy and the companionship animals bring into our lives, especially during times of change. It's a reminder that home isn't just about a place, but about who we share it with — and that can certainly include our four-legged friends.

Contoh Pertanyaan4:

A demo photo of DET "Speak about the Photo" questions: a vibrant array of fresh vegetables

Sampel Jawaban:

This photo is a feast for the eyes — a vibrant array of fresh vegetables neatly arranged, showcasing nature's palette. The colors are so vivid and varied, from the deep purple of the eggplants to the fiery orange of the tomatoes and the sunny yellow of the bell peppers.
It takes me back to Saturday mornings at the farmers' market, where each stall is a kaleidoscope of produce. There's something so satisfying about picking out your own fruits and veggies, feeling the textures, and imagining the meals they'll become.

The freshness is palpable; you can almost smell the earthiness of the carrots and the sweet ripeness of the tomatoes. Scenes like this represent the bounty of the earth, a reminder of the simple pleasures of cooking with ingredients that look like they've just been plucked from the garden.
This image captures the essence of healthy living and the joy of preparing food that's as delightful to the eyes as it will be to the taste. It’s a celebration of the farm-to-table philosophy, honoring the natural beauty and flavors of the ingredients we use to nourish ourselves.

Contoh Pertanyaan5:

A demo photo of DET "Speak about the Photo" questions: A man

Sampel Jawaban:

We've got this dude here who's clearly in his element. He's got his hands on a tire iron and he's going to town on this car tire like it's his mission in life. You can just see the focus and concentration on his face - this isn't just a job to him, it's a craft that he's mastered.
I mean, this is the kind of scene you see in garages and auto shops all over the place, right? It's where the rubber meets the road, literally, and it's where the real work gets done to keep our rides running smoothly. It might not be the most glamorous setting, but it's got everything you need to get the job done.

And speaking of getting the job done, check out this guy's uniform. It's like a badge of honor. It's like he's saying, "Yeah, I'm the one who's going to fix your car and make sure it's running like a dream." It's a sign of pride in his work and a reminder that he's not just some faceless mechanic - he's a skilled professional.
It kind of takes me back to all the times I've had to take my car in for a tune-up or a repair. There's just something about the smell of grease and the sound of power tools that lets you know you're in good hands. It's like a symphony of skilled labor, all working together to keep our world moving.

And that's really what this photo is all about, isn't it? It's a tribute to the unsung heroes who keep everything running smoothly, day in and day out. It's about the dignity and the value of hard work, and the pride that comes from a job well done.

Faktanya, 'Berbicara Tentang Foto' adalah salah satu jenis pertanyaan yang lebih sulit dalam Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo. Jika kamu ingin meraih skor tinggi di bagian ini, tidak hanya tentang menguasai strategi pengambilan tes; ini juga tentang berlatih dan menguasai template jawaban. Untuk lebih banyak latihan, kamu bisa mengunjungi official website Tes Bahasa Inggris Duolingo and Latihan Det. Di posting blog berikutnya, kami akan memberikan strategi dan contoh jawaban terkait bagian Menulis.

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